Insomnia & Fatigue… Finished!
Rest Well
Oh boy this one… Has taking the trash out to the curb seemed unbearable? Have you laid awake at night for hours wondering when you’ll fall asleep? This was me and you can hear about it in MY STORY above. I remember taking the trash out was like an unbearable chore for me…granted our driveway was 350ft long, BUT in my hay day that was nothing. There are so many reasons for fatigue and sleep issues. Too many to list here, but many of them are actually quite easily addressed. Your lack of energy could be a lack of nutrients in your diet, or maybe you’re eating great, but your not absorbing the nutrition from your food. How about sleep? Did you know that 80% of Melatonin (your sleep hormone) is actually created in the gut? Yup here we go again, back to the gut. It really is where all health begins. The food you eat is important, but more importantly is the food & nutrition you absorb. These is especially true nowadays because the food available to us is greatly depleted compared to in the years past. Therefore it is that much more important to maximize your digestion and how do we do that? TEST DON’T GUESS! Lets make sure you aren’t eating foods every day that are causing inflammation, lets address any infections in your gut causing Metabolic Chaos on your body and most importantly lets make sure the foods on your plate are supporting your body energetically. The right diet & support can instantly improve your digestion